Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dear editor...

Dear Editor:

While observing my different lectures today during class, I realized only a select few students bring their laptops to class, but the fact is many students take their laptops to school and many use these laptops in class, sure some students use laptops to surf the net or play frivolous games, but the majority use laptops as tools to help in the note taking process. After reading the article “Professors asking students not to bring laptops to class,” I was astonished at some professor’s idea that a laptop is distracting. I can understand cell phones ringing, and all the rest, but a laptop, when on mute, makes the faintest noise in an auditorium full of students there is more noise by students walking into class late, and leaving early. If a student chooses to bring a laptop to class so be it, college student are all adults, we should be able to decide for ourselves if we want to take a laptop to class. What is next; professors telling us how to dress and what to say? I think that before professors ban something from class they should stop and realize that most students have a million other things going on in their lives, sure class is important, but if a student can type their notes, or even surf the net and still effectively listen to the professor than what is the problem? I do agree that sometimes students may become distracted in class, but banning laptops is not going to solve the problem. If laptops are banned students will just come up with something else to distract themselves with in class. I believe there will always be something professors don’t want in their classrooms and something for them to complain about. I’m sure there was something in the 1900’s that professors complained students did in class.

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