Sunday, September 23, 2007


As I flipped through some copies of old magazines, I came across many different cologne and perfume ads. As far as I know, everyone always seems to open up the little flaps and if it smells decent we pass it up and overlook it, however, if we like it we share that little flap with everyone we know and then are compelled to buy it. The advertisers have won, they have convinced people to buy their product and we have not even begun with the whole advertisement. Normally, these ads picture very seductive pictures of gorgeous males and beautiful female models selling more than the perfume, themselves. When a girl sees a beautiful woman in a magazine advertising a perfume, instantly she is thinking of buying this perfume to look, feel, and smell like this perfect woman, same goes for cologne ads. I found two different cologne ads aimed both to men, but conveying two completely different messages.

The first ad pictures a shirtless male model seductively gazing at the viewer. His hair is slick back in a perfect hairdo, you can tell he is muscular, and athletic, but not over the top or exaggerated. Across his chest the words Truth Calvin Klein Men are typed in a plain black text, to blend in yet stand out. In the lower right hand corner is a bottle of Truth cologne for men. This advertisement screams sex appeal, the seductive stare, the fact that he is not wearing a shirt, the plain background. Everything here is meant to appeal to men who want to be sexy, perfect, and model like. Not only men, women who subconsciously want their man to look this way, will also be drawn into this cologne.

The second ad contains a picture of a group of six guys and girls all of different races wearing red white and blue, sitting on green grass, with a giant American flag in the background. The models in the ads are all attractive and pretty, the advertisers do not blatantly display their sexiness, but they show these models as perfect. This ad is aimed at the all American boy. There is no sex appeal here, the advertisers didn’t try to seduce the customer into buying there product, instead they used the All-American approach. What American guy wouldn’t want to be proud of where they are from? The ad is not meant to seduce the viewers, but it instead is saying come jump on the bandwagon.

Both ads use these appeals to grab their audience’s attention and make the consumer want to go out and buy their products. They use what you are appealed to the most to draw you in and trap you into wanting to and having to have their products.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


As I flipped through some old copies of Cosmopolitan and Glamour, I came across many different cologne and perfume ads. As far as I know, everyone always seems to open up the little flaps and if it smells decent we sort of pass it up and overlook it, however, if we like it we share that little flap with everyone we know and then are compelled to buy it. The advertisers have won, they have convinced people to buy there product and we have not even begun with the whole advertisement. Normally, these ads picture very seductive pictures of gorgeous males and beautiful female models selling more than the perfume, themselves. When a girl sees a beautiful woman in a magazine advertising a perfume, instantly she is thinking of buying this perfume to look, feel, and smell like this perfect woman same goes for cologne ads. I found two different cologne ads aimed both to men, but conveying two completely different messages.

The first ad contained a picture of a male model with no shirt sort of staring at the viewer. His hair is slick back in a perfect hairdo, buy looking you can tell he is muscular, and athletic, but not over the top or exaggerated. Across his chest the words Truth Calvin Klein Men are typed in a plain text, to blend in yet stand out. In the lower right hand corner is a bottle of Truth cologne for men. This advertisement screams sex appeal, the look in the man’s face, the fact that he is not wearing a shirt, the plain background. Everything here is meant to appeal to men who want to be sexy, perfect, and model like. Not only men, women who subconsciously want their man to look this way, will also be drawn into this cologne.

The second ad contains a picture of a group of guys and girls all wearing red white and blue, sitting on green grass, with a giant American flag in the background. This ad is aimed at the all American boy. There is no sex appeal here, the advertisers didn’t try to seduce the customer into buying there product, instead they used the All-American approach. What American guy wouldn’t want to be proud of where they are from?

Both ads use techniques and tools to grab their audience’s attention and make the consumer want to buy their products. They use what you are appealed to the most to draw you in and trap you into wanting their products.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Guilty until proven innocent…and always being judged…

Clothes just like everything else you wear or do sends off messages about who you are and the type of person you are. Peers my see you as cool or as an equal when you dress like them, but to cops, teachers and others the message may be different. If you walk around with baggy pants and shirts with drug paraphernalia on them or curse words, cops and bosses will not take you seriously and think of you as a punk kid who is into no good just trying to fit in. On the other hand, your friends that dress the same will think you are cool and accept you rather than make you an outcast. Many times, the message comes across different from what you really want to say and you may be sending messages you don’t want to send. Back to the kid with baggy jeans, he may not want to be seen as a gangster or a thug, but that is what he portrays when he dresses that way. This kid maybe a straight “A” student accepted to an Ivy League college. Just like the saying actions speak louder than words, so does your appearance, people judge you before they even hear what you have to say.

I can usually be found in either t-shirt and jeans, or business casual attire, depending on the situation. I try to be comfortable at school, but professional at work. My clothes say exactly who I am: a young woman, on her way to becoming a successful adult in this crazy world. When I’m at work, in the real world I send the message that I am a confidant woman on the way to the top, while at school I send off the message, I am working to learn everything I can so one day I can be the successful in whatever career I choose.

Like I said before people judge you before you even get a chance to speak your mind or let them know who you really are so show them who you really are and don't let your clothes make you out to something your not.